
Top Acne Treatments That Actually Work

It can be challenging to determine precisely which to choose among the top acne treatment might be the best for your skin because there are so many different approaches to treating breakouts. Even if you have had some form of acne your entire life, adult acne can differ from teen acne and can be challenging to treat due to factors like hormones, changes in skin type and texture, and scarring.

Finding the best acne treatment for your skin is still a mystery to many, even though it is the most common skin condition. Both over-the-counter (OTC) skin care items and prescription medications, such as topical and oral formulations, are used to treat acne. Continue reading to find out what causes acne and the recommended professional treatments for the various types of acne.

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Cause of Acne

Acne is typically brought on by blocked pores, which occur when a concoction of sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells becomes lodged in a hair follicle.

A hair follicle, which consists of an oil gland and a hair, is opened by each pore on the skin’s surface. When the oil gland is functioning properly, sebum is released, moving up the hair and out of the pore. Sebum travels to the skin and performs its function of lubricating the skin there. Acne could appear if this process goes wrong in some way.

This process can be impacted by the oil gland producing too much sebum, a buildup of dead skin cells, or a buildup of bacteria, all of which can cause clogged pores and the development of acne.

Top Acne Treatments to Look Out for

1. Salicylic Acid

In teens, salicylic acid is the top acne treatment of choice for zits. And if you browse the drugstore skincare aisles, you will notice that most items marketed as “acne wash” or “spot treatment” contain it as the active ingredient. Salicylic acid helps pimples contract and then vanish by reducing swelling and clearing pores.

Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory qualities as well, which can help with inflamed cystic breakouts that can happen when blockages deep in hair follicles burst beneath the skin.

2. Glycolic Acid

An alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), glycolic acid helps to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores by gently exfoliating the skin. Like salicylic acid, glycolic acid is available at your neighbourhood drugstore or beauty supply shop in washes, peels, moisturisers, and serums.

3. Benzoyl peroxide

The C. acnes bacteria that cause breakouts can be effectively killed by the antibacterial ingredient benzoyl peroxide. But benzoyl has drawbacks as well. If you are not careful, the leave-on creams and cleansing treatments can bleach clothing and dry out sensitive skin.

4. Lactic Acid

Lactic acid is an AHA, and like glycolic acid, it exfoliates the skin by acting as a chemical exfoliant. However, it is typically kinder than glycolic acid, making it a good choice for those with more delicate skin who want to use an exfoliating acid. Additionally, lactic acid is a humectant, which means it attracts water to itself and has hydrating properties. Exfoliants containing lactic acid would therefore be effective for those with dry or sensitive skin without being too irritating. These items can be used to perform a chemical peel at home.

5. Retinol

Although you may be familiar with the advantages of retinoid creams for anti-aging, these vitamin forms are also effective at treating acne.

But keep in mind that retinoids can also be irritating, and even an over-the-counter option might be too strong if you have sensitive skin (or a skin condition like psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea). Therefore, it is crucial to start with a retinol for sensitive skin, such as one with a low concentration, to see how your skin responds.

6. Retinal

The only and mildest retinoid available over-the-counter is not retinol. In fact, some experts advise choosing products containing retinal (also known as retinaldehyde) rather than conventional retinol for people with sensitive skin. This substance is a naturally occurring retinoid that the body converts to retinoic acid, just like retinol.

 7. Adapalene

Adapalene is a synthetic retinoid that was previously only accessible with a prescription and is frequently referred to by the brand name Differin. However, it recently became over-the-counter, making it a fantastic, potent acne treatment that you can get without a prescription. It was also created to be gentler than other prescription acne medications because it is synthetic.

8. Sulphur 

 Sulphur has an egg-like odour. However, it works well to dry up whiteheads and pimples that are filled with pus (you must take the good with the bad). By suckling up the oil, it functions. To maximise its effectiveness, sulphur is frequently combined with other active ingredients, while fragrances help to cover up its overpowering odour. It frequently appears in masks and spot treatments.


Treatment frequently is based on how bad your acne is. Your dermatologist will advise you on the top acne treatment that can help you get rid of your acne based on the severity of your acne, your skin type, and any other concerns you may have. A trip to a dermatologist’s office is usually necessary for moderate to severe acne.

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